Harmony Horse
Email : info@harmonyhorse.info 

Framework of the Aids

Peacefields Far Oakridge, Stroud, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Understanding foundational horsemanship skills and how we use the framework of the aids to develop our horse’s academic ability and balance.

Harmony Horse 1 Day Clinic With Fliss Bell

Peacefields Far Oakridge, Stroud, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Immerse yourself in a full day of learning with Fliss Bell. Limited participant spaces reserved on a first come first serve basis. Spectator spots available. We will be looking at the fundamentals of working our horse from the ground up. Using horse psychology, body language and energy to deepen your connection and build confidence. Mentally attuning to the horse and preparing him for further education. We will explore and analyse our horse’s natural balance, and look at ways we can improve his physical movement and strength. Helping him to believe what is possible. Come and join us for a fun … Continued